Welcome to Stokesay Primary School

School Clothes:

Whilst not wishing to be overly prescriptive, we want to make sure that Stokesay's school uniform and presentation standards remain very high and are clear for everyone to understand.  

Following a small number of queries from parents, we have made some clarifications regarding our expectations for school uniform & presentation to help you for when you are preparing to buy new uniform. These are detailed below.  If you still have questions, please just ask us.

Thank you very much for your support with this.



*  Navy blue sweatshirt (with/without embroidered school logo), black/navy/grey trousers or skirt and a navy blue polo shirt. 

(During the summer months, plain grey, black or navy shorts, a blue striped/checked dress may be worn)

* At all times, except for PE (see below), children should wear a sensible pair of black school shoes (and not boots or trainers).  Shoes should be plain (ie. not overly decorative/sparkly).

*  Children may wear a sensible watch, which must be taken off for PE (no watches with great sentimental or financial value please)

* If your child has pierced ears and wears earrings, please ensure these are 'studs' (these must be removed by the children themselves for swimming, and covered over for PE).

*  No other accessories/jewellery are permitted, other than a sensible and appropriate hair accessory (see below).

Make-up and Nail Varnish:

* We ask that no make up or nail varnish be worn to school please, unless for an out of school hours function (for example a school disco).


* Pupils' hair must be their natural colours (no artificial dyes)

*  Please do not send your child to school with 'extreme' hairstyles (For example: no 'extreme lengths', no 'extreme contrasts' eg. being 'very closely shaved' on the back and sides, but long on top, no shapes or marks cut into the hair or eyebrows)

*  Long hair must be tied back, with sensible and appropriate hair accessories.

'Sensible and appropriate' broadly means a practical, small hair band/bobble, and nothing that is overly decorative or unusually large.  Unlike many schools, we do not currently specify one or two colours only (to match school uniform), and would hope this is able to remain the case.

 * The use of styling products should be kept to a minimum please 


* A pair of dark shorts and a white T shirt with pumps or trainers should be worn for PE (jogging bottoms/warm tops as and when appropriate). 

Mobile Phones:  

Under 'normal' circumstances, children are not allowed mobile phones/tablets (etc) at school.  If it is necessary for a child to bring a mobile phone into school as an exception, parents/carers are requested to speak to us first.  It must then be taken to the School Office for safe keeping and collected at the end of the day.

General Information:

Each child is supplied with a named PE bag and a waterproof home-school book holder on entering school, at no cost.

To order our uniform with the school logo on please follow;


All children in Years 1-6 are expected to wear our School Branded Sports top, made from breathable material. The first top is given free of charge to all pupils. For those that need addition tops ordered, there is a small selection in the school office or alternatively, please use the link below to our supplier.
