Safer Schools

Safer Schools:
West Mercia Police and Shropshire Council support our school with this initiative.
The initiative is a practical and realistic approach to school security and safety.
It gives our school a clear focus and sets a minimum standard for school security.
Please click here for a copy of our Safer Schools Policy Statement, agreed by governors.
The essential elements of the ‘Safer School’ process include:-
* Implementing a security policy that the governors have adopted.
* Consulting parents/carers and pupils for their views and updating them on any progress.
* Publicity of ‘Safer Schools’ to school staff, pupils, school neighbours, parents and prospective parents.
* Establishing a ‘Safer Schools’ group. This ‘Safer School’ group is a partnership of school stakeholders.
* Regularly reviewing and implementing good practice and essential security/safety measures for staff, pupils and the site.
* Educating pupils through the Personal, Social, Health and Economic curriculum programme or the Safer School folder.
* A daily procedure for recording incidents should they occur i.e. trespass, burglary, theft, anti-social behaviour, vandalism, arson, suspicious activity etc.
* Solving real problems rather than perceived problems. Prioritising work (if any) and reviewing action.
* If there are security issues i.e. vandalism, anti-social behaviour etc, the intention of the initiative is to reduce/eliminate the issues.
We have regular meetings of the 'Safer Schools' group.
This group is currently made up of:
* Headteacher
* Sue Austin (Pastoral Support Manager)
* Ian Bartlett (Safer Schools)
* Local PC or PCSO representative
* Pupil input comes through School Council input (when/where appropriate)
We are always keen for new members to join our group, so we have a wider range of views, and would welcome parental input, so please get in touch if you wish.